Sunday, December 25, 2016

Into the desert

   In just about four days now, I leave for Iraq. Having just joined the international medical DART  arm of Samaritan's Purse, I was initially told that they would likely send me later on in the second or third wave of this response to help Iraqi civilians that are in desperate need of medical attention, fleeing the conflict in North Iraq. 
      I've been praying though and had felt an urgent need to get all my new-hire paperwork and tasks out of the way, so I'd be ready to go ASAP. :-) And I'm ready!...or am I? Can one really be ready for such an experience as this? I don't think my 9+ years of nursing experience in various hospital wards--including trauma and cardiology--will be enough training for what I might face. Above all, I just want to show love to these people, in a way they can understand, crossing the language and cultural barriers.
       After being briefed of the details of an emergency field hospital and the security measures that are being utilized, I am fairly confident that the medical staff will be able to do their jobs in relative safety...still, this is Iraq. And yet, I was reminded by a friend of the Psalm "the angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him...". David's God, El Gibbor/the Mighty God, Whose wondrous works and miraculous deeds we read about in the Old Testament is the same God today.
          I only need to walk with Him in the desert, prove Him, and experience the fullness of His presence.

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